Thursday, May 17, 2007

Knotty Me

Well, well, well... Let's see what I have gotten myself into. My very own blog, a portal to blur the boundary between self and the entities composing homo sapiens. Jumping onto the Bandwagon. A catchy phase in my opinion, but bears an understandable meaning... I'm now a part of the bustling vibrant family of bloggers.

As you can obviously notice, the page ain't exactly ready yet. The usual excuse of the lack of time will be used guiltily this time. My sudden burst of enthusiasm and the 2 seconds delay of brain to hands connection and Viola! the Bandwagon is out to town. Tic...Toc... Oh, no! What have I gotten into? "With great powers, come great responsibility" My version of it, "With hasty decisions, come knotty consequences" (now putting on a brave face and mustering determination).

As my brain has caught up to its counterpart, logic kicks in and something more important has to be pivotal for now. I'll diligently bail my hands out of this tall order, and who knows by then, Brain will take over the Pinkies...

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